IGF1-LR3 1mg
IGF1-LR3 1mg
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This PRODUCT IS EXCLUSIVELY INTENDED AS A RESEARCH CHEMICAL FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. This designation allows the use of research chemicals strictly for in vitro testing and laboratory experimentation exclusively. All product information available on this website is for educational purposes only. Under the law, any form of bodily introduction of any kind into humans or animals is strictly forbidden. This product should only be handled by licensed, qualified professionals. This product is not intended to be used as a drug, food, or cosmetic. It must not be misbranded, misused, or mislabeled as such.
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- You understand & affirmatively agree that products bought through Peptide King could be classified by certain regulatory agencies as unapproved new drugs if they were sold for the purpose of consumption by and/or administration to humans, but by making a purchase of our products you specifically agree and confirm that you will NOT purchase nor use these products for the purpose of consumption/administration by humans.
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As others said, i was asked to leave an honest review and honestly this is the best igf lr3 my research lab has used. Very high quality.
The best quality igf our lab has used. Will not be using any other company for this except PK
Our research found this to be the best quality
One of the best IGF1-LR3 products our research lab has tried. I have used 10+ companies. This one is definitely in the top 3 if not #1
The best our lab has tried. Very impressed with qality.