Zero Tolerance Policy
Zero Tolerance Policy practices a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding our products. Our products are for “in vitro” research use only. Refer to our “Terms of Service” page for additional information. At checkout you will/have agree to both this Zero Tolerance and the Terms and Conditions of Use as part of your order process. Please follow these guidelines. They are the law. Failure to do so will result in a refusal of service.By placing my order and receiving my shipment I agree to the following legal guidelines:
- Our research peptides are for in vitro research use only.
- Human ingestion or any form of bodily introduction of the products sold on the website constitute inappropriate use. These chemicals are strictly limited to in-vitro testing and laboratory research only. Not for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes.
- Patrons agree that the chemicals on the website can be dangerous if used in an inappropriate manner.
- Patrons agree that use of these products are strictly limited to in-vitro research, and agree are not intended for recreational, medical, food additive, animal, or any other use that does relate to the due course of legitimate scientific research.
- Patrons of this website also agree to holds its proprietor(s), free from any and all liability resulting from harm of any kind having to do with the intentional misuse of inappropriate use of the products sold by
- At no time shall employees of this company or agents thereof be expected to give implicit or explicit information on any research chemical sold by this company, and how it may relate to use in humans. At no time will a response be granted to any type of communication that expresses interest in gathering information on human ingestion of the product sold by this company with the exception of a Refusal of Service email/message/letter.
- All patrons of definitively understand that this company and or its parent corporation are solely a freelance supplier of agricultural/laboratory research chemicals and do not / will not give out technical information on research products sold here UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Furthermore, all of the patrons of are assumed to be qualified researchers.
- Patrons of also agree that deviating from any of the above guidelines constitute a valid cause for the denial of future transactions and are strongly discouraged from the deviation of these guidelines due to a strict adhesion (zero tolerance) policy against vivo use.
- REFUSAL OF SERVICE NOTIFICATION: Patrons of understand that communication alerting to the inappropriate use of the products for sale on this website will be answered with refusal of service notification.
- These chemicals are not intended to be drugs, medications, or pharmaceutical preparations as defined by the United States Code.